Sunday, October 25, 2015

Digital Blog #H

I can remember learning how to create a PowerPoint presentation, I enjoyed being able to create my own background, effects, and present the information I gathered. This is why I am starting out with PowerPoint and Next-Generation Presentation Tools. Creating a PowerPoint presentation can be pretty stellar. Students have fun, while also giving the student confidence to present. The research a topic, and for 2-5 mins, the student is the expert, having insight on a particular subject researched. During observation hours, a teacher used an internet resource, Quizlet. The program creates practice quizzes, for the students to use as study aids. The teacher projected one of the practice quizzes on a SmartBoard, or what the book refers to a document camera. The assignment was a practice vocabulary quiz, the students were trying to match the word to its appropriate definition, as they were being timed. The kids got in a line, and they were quick and excited to bet their previous time.

Video in the Classroom, this portion of the chapter raises the question if we should us television and videos in our classrooms, and if so, what are the limitations. The chapter suggests that teachers K-12 strongly believe that television and video content can be extremely effective, when integrated with other instructional methods. I can recall, Reading Rainbow, and the Magic School Bus, used to introduce a chapter. The video or show would be related to the lesson, we were to being. Youtube has made it possible for anyone to show off talents, tutorials, presentations, pranks, commentary, basically anything that can be filmed. No copyright, and must live up to the standards that one agrees to when using the YouTube.

My final focus will be on Digital Storytelling. It seems when kids are first learning to read, they are more focused on saying the words, then understanding the stories intended purpose. However, hearing a story read out loud, takes the pressure off, and allows the student to focus on the structure of the story. Now when one adds graphics and animation, to a story read out loud, it become a video, a show. It is easy to learn when we don't eve realize we are learning. If we make learning fun, we have it in the bag.

Maloy, R. (n.d.). Transforming learning with new technologies (2nd ed.).

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got to see Quizlet in action - it is a great 'flashcard' tool with a couple of gaming options. You can see the value of multimedia in a variety of ways with both specialized educational software and more commonplace software - either way, it is what is expected by our learners these days! Remember to properly attribute all resources and add a created digital tool for points!
