Sunday, September 20, 2015

Digital Blog Post #C

This has been the most interesting chapter thus far; of course, one mans opinion. On page 47 the book brings up constructivism, suggesting people construct new knowledge and understandings based on what they already know and believe..." This is fundamental in understanding how kids learn and how to alter misunderstandings. Without the proper foundation the whole building will collapse, this being a metaphor to the child's academic success. This almost seems like common sense; a child can't take a test, without first learning how to read the questions. I feel like school are really missing the ball in actively trying to strengthening these kids foundation. I work at LaBelle Elementary, there are 5th graders that can't read the questions on the test they take. Giving them minimal help. We are setting these kids up for failure.

My second point is going to be on Teacher-Centered learning and Student-Centered learning. I have discovered the most interesting way of teaching, Whole brain teaching. This is moving way from the traditional Teacher-Centered learning, where a teacher stands in front of a class and just gives out information; that they later expect for the students to regurgitate.Whole brain teaching is as Student-Centered as you can get. Understanding that students learn the most when they are having fun; also challenging them with a fast pace environment. I have tried this with 1st, 2nd, and 4th graders, and the results are amazing! I'm in love with this method, and its extremely fun!

My final point will be on developing digital citizens. The chapter suggests like United States citizens, we as digital citizens have rights and responsibilities to used technologies effectively and appropriately. We live in a time that with a simple google search, we can find information on almost any topic, videos, images, we have to learn to be responsible, and not allow ourselves to be fold by incorrect information.. The functions of technology are now being taught in school, we have computers, smart boards, clickers; these new gadgets to enhance learning. We just have to remember to use technology productively, honestly, and safely.
Maloy, R. (n.d.). Transforming learning with new technologies (2nd ed.).

1 comment:

  1. The whole brain focus and student-centered learning are certainly effective alternatives to the traditional means - and I think, especially important as we have long left the industrial model and our students are wired differently as well. Perhaps there are different methods for different situations, but the teacher lecture so popular in the past would likely be best minimized these days. I'm glad to see you are finding so many connections between your readings and your job.

    Please be sure to provide proper attribution: 1) the textbook is not properly cited APA style - see my sample blog and 2) no attribution for YouTube. Also you are missing the created web 2.0 digital tool - let me know if you need some help with those items.
